You know you’re a bad cook if… (round two)

You know you’re a bad cook if when trying to make mashed potatoes with 2 potatoes, you used 3 sticks of butter. Ultimately those mashed potatoes had the consistency of soup.

You know you’re a bad cook if on first recollection, you thought an avocado was called a guacamole. 

You know you’re a bad cook if you price-shop top ramen.

You know you’re a bad cook if you don’t have the patience to cook instant rice, microwave chilli, cut some hotdogs, and then mix that all together with cheese, so you have ice cream for lunch instead.

You know you’re a bad cook when rice, chilli, hot dogs, and cheese is considered an ambitious meal.

You know you’re a bad cook if the only sandwich you can make from memory is pb&j.

You know you’re a bad cook if you didn’t know you should wash the cutting board. (PSA: this is especially important after cutting meat.)

Would you rather enjoy something that you’re bad at or be great at something you dislike? In high school I ran cross country all four years and didn’t make varsity once. Despite that, I loved doing it and got faster each year. On a metaphorically related note, I finally learn how to cook salmon :)




Things I hate