
What’s a word that means overwhelmed, but in a good way? What’s a word that means one hour of time has passed, but when you look down at your watch, it’s actually been four hours? What’s a word that means: “I’m only going to buy a bed. Reel me in if I go crazy” but turns into: “Wow, we got a great deal on that desk and that bookcase” ? I think that word is Ikea.

We arrived at the most magical place on earth at noon. We waited in line for a significant amount of time. When we finally made it to the front of the line they gave the usual spiel, “Wear a mask, including over your nose… Maintain social distancing, keeping 6 feet apart… Keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times…” 

Our goal was to hit all the best rides as efficiently as possible. Some rides could be skipped. “Children’s”, “Kitchen”, “Lighting” to name a few. At the same time though, these lines were the shortest and we were already there anyways, so might as well, right? The main draw of the location is the atmosphere, it doesn’t matter so much which sections you hit. There’s truly no place like Disneyland Ikea. 

As far as efficiency goes, I can honestly say I was under budget. Granted, I did raise the budget a few times. I only bought what I needed. However, it wasn’t until I was in the store that I realized what I needed. Obviously if I was buying a bed, I’d have to buy a bed table. And if I was buying a new bed, obviously I’d have to buy a new comforter. (Give a mouse a cookie…) These were necessary goods; plus, I budgeted for them. (He crosses out the original budget amount and inputs a higher number.)

The best description of Ikea comes from Lewis Carrol: “The rabbit-hole went straight on like a tunnel for some way, and then dipped suddenly down, so suddenly that Alice had not a moment to think about stopping herself before she found herself falling down a very deep well.”


Vague descriptions


You know you’re a bad cook if… (round two)