Things I hate

Paying taxes - I don’t even use roads or public infrastructure, so why should I have to pay taxes? Peace of mind and a national defense? Scoff. I can defend myself, thank you. And as far as I’m concerned, social welfare programs can fund themselves. It shouldn’t fall on the government’s shoulders to care for the needy, I trust in the goodwill of society. Every tax season I have to give up an entire 4 hours of my life and what do I get in return? Historically a hefty tax return. Totally not worth it.

Television - The idiot box should be done away with, it rots your brain. People today are so much dumber than from past generations. After a long day at the office you shouldn’t relax and recuperate; you should read and better your mind. Neither cinematic story-telling nor visual effects have improved in the last century and it has led to unimpressive television options. Television doesn’t bring people together, it divides. Name one major social event you went to in the last year where a television was involved. Yeah that’s right, you can’t even name one.

Sarcasm - If you have something to say, just say it plainly. It’s not funny if you say one thing but mean the opposite. That’s just dumb. It’s not an effective communication tactic either. People won’t know what you’re talking about, especially in writing.


You know you’re a bad cook if… (round two)


Things I love