
First thing first I’m a realist. Drop this and let the whole world feel it. Just kidding, plagiarism is no joke and I ain’t Fancy enough to get away with it. If you don’t get the reference you may not be the intended audience. In fact, I’m mainly writing for myself. This blog is just dumb thoughts that make me laugh. 

As the reader, you may be asking yourself, “Why even have a blog if it’s just for personal amusement?” Well, that’s a good question that I made you ask. The answer is summed up in three words: manifest destiny. That’s probably not the best descriptor for several reasons; the first reason being it’s only two words. (That’s called sleight-of-hand. It could also be called lying if it isn’t marketed well.) The second reason is that my desire to start a blog has nothing to do with Westword American land expansion. Manifest destiny just seemed like a nice word, so I pulled the trigger before thinking it through.

In all honesty, I’m starting a blog because I think a lot of my dumb thoughts are funny and maybe someone could get at least a chuckle from them. Sometimes the dumb thoughts are serious and make me think. I’d like to know other people’s thoughts. Lastly, I’m starting a blog because I want to tell stories and this seemed like the best medium to do that. I love writing and want to develop that passion. It’s not something I’m addicted to, but I doubt I could stop if I tried.

I figure I should end the “about section” with some stuff about myself. I don’t think cilantro tastes like soap, but at the same time, it may have been parsley. I can’t tell the difference. I’ve been trying to grow a unibrow for a while now; I’m halfway there. On the record, my favorite drink is scotch because that’s classy. Off the record, my favorite drink is chocolate milk because it actually tastes good. When I’m not writing, I work as a healthcare actuarial analyst in Seattle.
