Writer’s block & The holidays

I’ve been sitting here for an hour but I can’t think of anything…

I wouldn't say I have writer's block (it’s been over a week since I’ve written anything), but would more say that I was sucked into the holidays.


I’m chilling in my apartment living room when, all of a sudden, a black hole opens through my wall. Inside, I see the Christmas decoration box. My visiting sister sees it also and yells, “No it’s too early!”

But alas, the wreath has already hit the door. The garland starts to coil. Christmas lights encircle the interior of my living room. More nutcrackers than what would be considered acceptable (an acceptable amount is one, because nutcrackers are creepy) spring up on furniture. A Christmas tree rises out of the corner and starters to blast music (𝅘𝅥𝅮𝅘𝅥𝅮 I don’t want a lot for Christmas… 𝅘𝅥𝅮𝅘𝅥𝅮) When I exit the black hole I’m carrying two cups of hot chocolate. To cap it all off, through the tv, I found a ten hour loop of a fireplace. It’s all very homely. 

“I think you mean homey,” corrects my girlfriend.

“Aren’t they synonyms?”

She shakes her head no.


I had three Thanksgivings - one with my immediate family, one with my mom’s side of the family, and one with my dad’s side of the family.

When I woke up from the food comma, here’s the items I found around my body: Secret Hitler (what? I double check the box and confirm, yeah, Secret Hitler), Betrayal on the House on the Hill, Catan, Dominion, Resistance, 7 Wonders… so mostly board games. The whole Thursday - which bled into Friday - went by rapidly. On Thursday we played board games from 4:00 to 11:00 pm and on Friday we played board games from 2:00 to 9:00 pm. I blinked once and now it’s Saturday.

Also important to note during that time: the Football Team creamed the Cowgirls in a commanding fashion - 41 to 16. A momentous victory for sure. Currently we’re first in the division and trending towards the playoffs. Other playoff teams best watch out because, at a 4-7 record, we’ve got nothing to prove and nothing to lose.


I’ll conclude by listing what I’m thankful for:

My girlfriend. Not something I’d say out loud, but 2020 has been one of the best years of my life. It’s crazy, but I never knew someone could be this happy. Each day I’m thankful to have found someone so great. It makes me jealous of my own life ;)

My job. I think some people from work may read the blog, so (for strategic reasons) I’m listing it here. Just kidding - I genuinely enjoy my job, all my co-workers, and hope to continue working there long term. Plus, I get $5 movie tickets as one of the fringe benefits and I’m addicted to movies (not Suzie Shoes addicted, #PlugToMyBook, but still). 

My family. While nonetheless true, drop the other cliche Thanksgiving table responses into this bullet point: my cheap apartment, living in the USA, a sense of security, not having to worry about where my next cup of noodles will come from, [insert any of the 1000s of perks of living in a first world country].

The bus ride to and from work. I get all my best reading and writing finished here. 

My cats. But only when I’m not trying to sleep. “Simmons, stop licking my face or I’m going to start charging you rent…” (30 minutes goes by) “OK! That’s the last straw - you’re looking for a job in the morning!”

In all seriousness, I’m very thankful for my life. [Insert wholesome finalization sentence that ties the post together, because you don’t have writer’s block and were able to think of something witty]. 


I’m not bad at technology but…


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