I’m not bad at technology but…

I’m not bad at technology but... I did accidentally delete the entire Excel application from my home computer.

I’m not bad at technology but… Word is also gone. Oh no, I think I deleted all the Microsoft applications. Definitely less than ideal. On the bright side, at least this is a free service to be downloaded from the internet. Nope - $169. Rats.

I’m not bad at technology but… I had a flip phone up until my senior year. Of college. When I finally bought a smart phone, while walking out of Best Buy and without breaking stride, I snapped my flip phone in half and tossed it in a trash can. Despite losing all 40 of my contacts, I looked cool, tough guys don’t look at explosions kinda cool. Totally worth it.

I’m not bad at technology but… what is the cloud? Could someone please explain it to me. And where do all my files going? What are Cookies? 

I’m not bad at technology because… I use the same two passwords for everything. Thus, I’ll never forget. In a worst case scenario situation (i.e., I die) at least two people know those passwords, so they can salvage my estate.

I’m not bad at technology but… The last time I tried to pirate a movie, my computer first got a virus and then exploded.

I’m not bad at technology but… I’ve been unsuccessful in adding a  comment section to my blog, despite trying for the last month.

I’m not bad at technology because… I literally have a minor in computer science. Person: “Would you please help me install this printer?” Me: “I could code a function that generates the n-th value of the Fibonacci sequence. Would that help?” Person: “What do you think?” Me: “I guess it just depends on what coding language you want.”


A list of lists


Writer’s block & The holidays