Things I love

Youtube videos that explain the endings of movies - I’m not one to think critically, and I dislike forming my own opinions, so I love that there are resources out there that spoon-feed me how I should interpret a piece of media. I mean, it’s not a valid opinion unless someone else shares that opinion. I don’t watch movies as an escape, so I love that certain youtube videos set boundaries on my imagination.

People who post politics on facebook - The world is a very grim place and things are bleak. If you don’t believe me, I will fight you. The only catalyst for real change is a mindset change. Facebook provides such a platform to civilly discuss these issues. Facebook shouldn’t be used to enjoy the present, it should be used to build a better future.

The Football Team’s management - As an aside the NFL team from Washington D.C. is officially called the “Football Team”. I think that is hilariously awesome. Anyways, I’m a huge fan of the way the organization is being run. In the past year, we’ve only had two major scandals, which is a respectable number. We’ve had 8 different starting quarterbacks in the last 5 years, so you know we’re close to finding our franchise quarterback. And, in my entire sports watching lifetime I can remember going to the playoffs once, how lucky am I?


Things I hate


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