The world’s funniest joke

The joke:
My younger sister once finished 3rd in a pie baking contest where she was the only contestant. 
You may have missed it, so go reread the last sentence. 

The punchline of the joke is that it’s a true story. My younger sister, she may have been close to age 10 at the time, entered her homemade pie in the county fair and finished 3rd. She was the only contestant in her age group. How sad is that? (Not sad, but hilarious). Does that speak more to the character of the judge or to the pie-making ability of my sister?  

That’s a cutthroat judge. The situation would be like Adam telling Eve, “You’re great and all, really, but I’m more interested in seeing other women. Is nothing personal, you’re just not my type.” Or like… I can’t even think of a second example because it’s so dumb. Nonetheless, I do admire the judge’s standards. He wouldn’t lower the bar even for a little girl. Savage.

On the flip side, imagine a pie that’s so bad, it got beat out by nonexistent pies. If I remember correctly, we submitted the pie two days before it was due, so it was just sitting out. I’m no expert on food (see the post from two days ago for proof), but I’m like 74% sure you’re supposed to refrigerate pies. The Competative Exhibits portion of the county fair was held outdoors. I don’t think two days in the August sun did good things to the pie; that’s probably why she lost points.

I don’t think people will find this joke as funny. Everyone has their own world’s funniest joke and this is mine. As a side note, my sister laughs at it too. It wouldn’t be funny if that weren’t the case.


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