Rhetorical questions that I asked anyways

Here are some rhetorical questions that I asked recently without initially realizing they were rhetorical:

I opened the fridge and grabbed the milk.
The expiration date on the milk said, “July 31.”
I furrowed my brow because you know, I was confused. Then I asked, “Ok sure, but what year?”

I was walking near my apartment when I heard an ambulance. The ambulance was coming down the street I was about to cross. The nearby cars pulled over and I thought to myself, “Does that apply to pedestrians also?” Not that I’d admit this, but I almost crossed the street (¼ of the way across) before realizing: yes an ambulance obviously has the right-of-way to a pedestrian.

I’ve been a Redskins fan my entire life. When I hear the name the first thing I think of is football and disappointment, then hope, but ultimately disappointment. However, we did draft Chase Young in the last draft, so we should at least make the playoffs. I’m excited. 
The Native American community doesn’t come to mind. In the recent controversy surrounding the name, my immediate thoughts were, “Is Redskin really that racist of a word?”
But the more I thought about it, I ultimately came to the belief that maybe we traded away too many picks for RG3 (see, I just revert back to football). In all seriousness though, it’s clearly a rhetorical question.


A story about ice cream


The world’s funniest joke