Style and grammer

Every sentence in the below snippet has some stylistic or grammatical error see if you can spot them all, starting with this one.

I was sitting here thinking about what to write, yet nothing funny is coming to my head. Granted, I did have a few ideas, but none that I could verbalize good. Like the other day when I saw a bat hanging from a street post, which turned out to be a spider. After a startled jump, I said to myself, “Ok, that’s not creepy in any way…” Has anyone else noticed that Seattle has an abundance of over-sized spiders.  After finally rebuilding yesterday’s destroyed web, I will run into another web which my doorway spider has tried to rebuild. There are so multiple spiders here in Seattle.

Anyways, after failing to think of something clever, I decided to write about grammar. Its been on my mind recently. 

Errors in the order that they appear:

  1. Run-on sentence, need a comma or a period.

  2. Tense error, keep the same tense within sentences.

  3. Need an adverb (well) to describe ‘verbalize’, not an adjective (good).

  4. Incomplete sentence, no independent clauses.

  5. Generally it’s best to put dialogue at the beginning or end of paragraphs. However, this is a stylistic preference. In this case I’d say a new paragraph break would add emphasis.

  6. Incorrect punctuation, need a question mark? (This sentence has the reverse error.)

  7. Dangling modifier, the phrase “After finally rebuilding yesterday’s destroyed web” doesn’t describe the subject of the independent clause that follows. Obviously I’m not rebuilding the web, the spider is.

  8. Word choice, just because you have a thesaurus and looked up the word “many”, doesn’t mean that all those options are valid.

  9. No error. (You could make the argument it’s an error in honesty, because deep down, I do think it’s clever #SelfFlattery. Or you could make the argument that stylistically I use too many commas.)

  10. Using the possessive pronoun its rather than the correct apostrophe it’s meaning it has.

  11. Error in the title: Grammer is spelled incorrectly (it should be spelled grammar).


Design flaw


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