More political opinions

My biggest political belief is things aren’t that bad. Do you have access to a Netflix account? The last time you pooped, did you sit or squat? How much food has your refrigerator accumulated? Trick question, you have a fridge, that’s pretty good init-of-itself. I dislike the idea that the government has more control over your life than you do. If you want to improve the quality of your life, get edgumacated. Get a fancy job. Most of the problems people have today are first-world problems; your worst day would be an immigrant's best.

Counterpoint: sounds like you’re a white male with a middle class income. I can hear the privilege in your voice. Let me guess, your parents paid for at least part of your college tuition. Therefore it was probably easier to study given you didn’t have to work. And, if you compare your situation to a worse-off country, of course your situation would be better. Things could be better; the comparison should be equality of opportunity. It sounds like things aren’t that bad - for you. 

Rebuttal: Come at me bro!


In the state of Washington, everyone received a voter’s guide in the mail. Each candidate in the guide wrote a brief, 3 to 5 paragraph, personal statement on why I should vote for them. Do you think it’s deplorable if I base all my voting decisions off who’s the better writer? I’ve noticed a plethora of crummy word choice (this sentence included). I’ve seen spelling mistakes, grammatical errors, and poor stylistic decisions. At the very least, this method of deciding is better than hunting exclusively for D’s and R’s. 

Counterpoint: It’s sad that you're making light of something that seriously affects others. Whatever happens, your life will probably be unaffected, but for marginalized groups, voting has serious consequences. In a situation where the outcome doesn’t affect you, have empathy, and help others.

Rebuttal: In serious, yeah, probably right.


(Book excerpt rescheduled to the future)


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Political opinions