Election thoughts

Here are some dumb thoughts I had while watching the election late last night:

“Gosh, they’re making this too political.”

“How does counting numbers become controversial?”

“If you’re the superintendent of voting (a non-partisan position) don’t where a solid red tie. How about a purple tie instead?”

“I’m going to take a shot each time they call a swing state.”
Cut to: “Wh… Wh… Where’d all my scotch go?”
Jk, actually cut to: “Hmm… North Carolina has been at 95% counted for the last four hours. I doubt they’ll finish tonight.”

With 1% of votes counted: “Holy potatoes! Idaho is going Democrat. I need to call someone.”
With 10% of votes counted, cut to: “And Idaho has been called for Trump.”

“Other than baseball, this has got to be the most dramatic way to count numbers.”

“Wasn’t Kanye running? Where’s his vote counts?”

Me every two minutes: “I just checked the results two minutes ago, nothing’s changed.”

Me at the beginning of the night: “I’m not even going to watch, I’ve got other stuff to do.”
Me at the middle of the night: “Everyone shut up! Florida is being announced.”
Me at the end of the night: “Hey, turn off the light, I’m trying to watch here.” Responded with: “No… that’s the sun.”


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