A hodgepot of thoughts 4.0

I don’t have anything concrete to talk about, but it’s been too long, so here’s a hodgepot of wet cement topics. I’ve been busy with important life events (such as meeting my girlfriend’s family; it’s going well so far - they’ve made a good impression on me), so I’ve had less time to get in my writing fix.

As aforementioned, I’m meeting my girlfriend’s family all of this week. It seems premature to write anything about it now, since I’m still here. All I’ll say now is that I’m a big fan of the fam. From my intuition, it seems they like me too, so that’s cool. (By “my intuition” I mean: her parents told her, told me.)

To change topics dramatically, every time I poop and happen to have my phone handy, I play the game Air Control 2. Essentially I’m operating as an air traffic controller by making sure none of the ill-timed planes crash into each other prior to landing. The game requires incredible attention to detail and complex multi-tasking ability. Damn I’m good. I’ve once landed a nearly-impossible 190 planes. For comparison, the feat is roughly equivalent to winning seven super bowls. I’ve reached the point where my control sessions spread past the time what would be considered an acceptable bathroom break, so I’ve had to record breaks into my timesheet to justify the time away from my desk. My extreme skill lacks any genuine social capital - I’m struggling to find a good place to sit it on my resume - so I figured here would be an acceptable platform to share.

Some dumb stuff I said recently:

“Maybe if your dad dislikes yard work, he could get rid of the grass and install a hot tub.”

“Do they keep the Christmas lights up year-round?”

“In poor countries where they can’t afford water, they waterboard their prisoners with whip cream.”

All the above snippets were said comically. I’m just repeating them here because I think I’m funnier than I actually am. (That’s called a fishing for compliments statement; I’m hoping you write in the comments: “No Jackson, you’re as funny as you think, absolutely hilarious.”)

A while ago, I got an electricity bill for $700. I sent an angry email about it, but have yet to follow up. In general, I avoid adulting tasks, but given the possible payoff, I should probably follow up. Sometimes I’m prudent with money and other times I say to myself: “It’s only a $300 purchase, that’s $2700 short of my credit card limit.” My other shoulder angel, who happens to be on the same page already, chimes in: “Plus, we’re building a good credit score. It’d be dumb to not make the purchase. Do it.” 

I bet $17 that the Tampa Bay Bucs would win the superbowl by at least three points, so I won $22 for a brag-worthy payout of $39. However, I don’t understand how to convert Bit-Coin into real cash, so the money is stuck in the account forever. I’ve accepted that the money as a sunk cost; my goal is to never add additional funds to the account. I’ve been gambling the same $50 since my sophomore year of college. There’s no way to fact check me (so I can say whatever I want, haha) but at one point I reached $540 and am now sitting at $70. 


Hodgepot 1.0

Hodgepot 2.0

Hodgepot 3.0




6 month anniversary