A hodgepot of thoughts 2.0

Have you ever heard the expression: You know your spaghetti is finished cooking when you can throw a piece against the wall and it sticks.

This could also mean that you have a serious problem with your wall. Imagine throwing uncooked spaghetti against your wall and it sticks. That’d be really gross. I think it’s time to get new walls and find a better method to test when your spaghetti is finished cooking.

Or how about the expression: You shouldn't cry over spilled milk.
“What if you spilled all the milk?” asks the younger version of yourself in a grocery store.
Your mom looks over at you. “What do you mean you spilled all the milk?”
You say, “I think we need to leave.”
If you spill all the milk, I think that warrants at least one tear. 

Children are the future.

This leads me to believe that we’re currently living in the present, because children eventually have children. The cycle never ends and the future never arrives.

The grass is always greener on the other side.

The shirt-less patient, laying on the examination table, looks up at the doctor and says, “I don’t care, remove it all. I want it gone.”

The glass is half empty.

Wow, I’m envious. I don’t even have any glasses. Usually when something is half empty it’s the gallon or the box. And most often they're entirely empty, because I mow through cereal quickly. 

Normally I try to post an excerpt from my book on Fridays, but this next one is delayed. The boss had the option of either finishing the chapter or quickly writing up a hodgepot of thoughts before dashing out to a movie night with his wonderful girlfriend. That joke is funny because in this scenario I’m the boss, lol. That’s the dream. Anyways, expect a book excerpt something in the future.

Is it a hodgepot or a hodgepodge?


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The American Dream