Untold Desire

Guest post number four! (See link if you’d like to write one yourself.) This week’s guest post is written by my artistically talented, kind-hearted, incredibly smart, best friend C$. In high school, classmates bestowed the nickname C$ on Chris for no reason other than it sounded cool, and the name has stuck since. Chris likes to make music (see link to one of his songs), and is currently finishing a math degree at Boise State. Thank you C$ for taking the time to share your writing!


The expression of the inner thoughts is something that many people struggle with throughout their life. It’s definitely a truth that follows mine. However, within the entirety of humanity’s existence, humans have found a secondary avenue for such feelings in the form of art and poetry. 

Art can utilize visuals to stimulate the memories of many people to create a plethora of varying takes on one piece. With stark lines, a painting can center elements of a painting to make a person more drawn in, or with light brush strokes, they can ease a character’s features. Bold color palette changes can bring attention to unnoticed scenes, or with mellow and soft colors, they can lighten a dark subject.

Similarly, poetry is a sensation of the spirit and soul distilled into the collection of spoken words. Rhythmic in nature, a Shakespearean sonnet can tell a tale which stands the test of time. Likewise, the jumbled, angsty aura projected by a slam-poet can reach the raw, unfiltered emotions that many are afraid to show. 

For me, I indulge in both exploits of creative endeavor. Art allows me to put forth the rigid and mathematical parts of my brain with the empathy of my heart. And poetry expresses the catharsis of my life by planting the structures of my truest emotions. So I would like to show you a fraction of me with a poem I wrote which is about a crush I never told my feelings about.


Untold Desire by Chris Conway

It’s clear to me

What exists inside

Something worth revealing

Nothing to hide

Words come through

Not easily spoken

But to not say so

Regret fully awoken

Actions speak loud

Mightier than words

Independently proud

Yet jealous of birds

I wish to fly free

Unencumbered by fear

To leave this tree

Having you near

It’s been over a decade

Since my heart sprung to

The moment you walked in

Part of me attracted to you

And through those years

The feeling never told

Having grown stronger

My tongue can no longer hold

To say you’re unique

Gives you no credit

You’re fierce and strong

None can debate it

You’re kind and sweet

With a steadfast desire

Shimmering eyes of sea green

Hair a dazzling fire

You may already know

But even if you do

I just have to say

I’ve always liked you


Dynamic verbs


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