The Subtle Curse

It’s my honor to present the first guest post! (See the link if you’d wish to write a guest post yourself.) The below piece is written by my incredibly talented, well-read, kindhearted, younger sister Madison. In 2020, Madie casually read 141 books and this year, she will graduate from Eastern Washington University with a bachelors of arts in social work. Thank you sis for taking the time to share your writing!


Have you ever felt like you were subtly cursed? Little things that you feel like always happen to you that are just a slight inconvenience to your life? I know those things aren’t actually the result of a cheeky witch that fills her time with mediocre, evil pranks, but on the other hand, that's what I (choose to) believe. Logic would dictate that it’s my brain correlating separate incidences and filing them away until a similar incident happens, but my heart can confirm it’s an impertinent enchantress. Some examples of that cheeky witch showing up in my life 

  • Sprite spills on airplanes. The amount of times I’ve spilled Sprite on myself on airplanes is too high not for a mystical being to not have been the culprit. Thankfully whenever I’m on a plane I have a bag of clothes I can change into close by, but then comes the difficult process of changing in a plane bathroom, which is a curse of its own. 

  • Bugs showing up in random, horrible places. Have you ever been laying in bed and rolled over on your pillow only to come face-to-face with a huge spider that’s just chilling there with you? Ever had a fly dive into your shirt and get trapped? Or a fly to get trapped in the shower with you causing you to freak out and inevitably slip in the shower. (That one hurt and I’m still salty about it).

  • Anytime I move I lose my debit card. I try so hard to keep track of it, but it always magically disappears. Then I have to go to the bank where I repeat the same tale of woe (which is it's own curse because they can see how many cards I've replaced and it's kind of embarrassing). 

  • Coming in 3rd place…in a contest where I was the only one entered. (See The World’s Funniest Joke post from 9/2/2020). I don’t even have any more words for that one since it really doesn’t need any. I digress.

One might look at these incidents and say that there’s a logical explanation of character flaws, such as being absent-minded and clumsy, or being in Idaho during the summer when bugs are the worst, but that’s the brilliance of it. How brilliant for an insolent sorceress to hide her curses within the simple confines of an easily explained away reality. To hide within plain sight, sort of speak. 

One might also say I just don’t want to take responsibility for my own character flaws, but then I’d say that isn’t as fun as being the hero of my own story with an antagonist to fight against...and that I don’t want to take responsibility for my own character flaws.   


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