The bus

    You hate riding the bus. Already 16 - going on 17 - minutes have passed and the bus hasn’t arrived. One step outside of the poorly constructed awning, the rain reminds you that you’re uncomfortable. It murmurs: 

“Hey, your socks are still wet right? 
“Is two layers really enough? You look cold. 
“I just got off the phone with the sun; he says his vacation was extended for another week and wanted to relay that you should take your vitamin D supplements in the meantime.” 

    When the bus finally does arrive, it stops for you, which isn’t always a given. On more than one unlucky occasion, you’ve been left in the dust of an inattentive bus - the car equivalent of being unable to merge onto the highway by a rude, absentminded driver. If the bus driver makes eye contact as they skip your stop, that’s the car equivalent of being flipped off.

    On the bus, sitting down quickly to avoid the gaze of other tired bus dwellers, you try to ignore the following stimuli: uneducated vandalism (neither the window nor the back of the seat had spellcheck), disturbing odors (the bus is meant for temporary passengers only; why is the smell of unwashed clothes always a traveler), and throbbing sounds (the overly loud hum of the AC, the obnoxious babbling of inconsiderate phone talkers, the constant shriek of a mysterious bus part). 

    You breathe this toxic atmosphere for an extended ride, remembering that you must wear a constrictive mask the whole while. The trip unfolds dumbfoundedly slow and you wonder why it takes 40 minutes to travel 4 miles. The bus stops every two blocks and you remember why.

    Worst of all though, worse than all the above, the bus reminds you that you’re insignificant. No-one famous rides the bus. No-one with places to be - extremely important places that is - rides the bus. Poor people ride the bus. Undesirables ride the bus. You’re riding the bus and you hate it.


    You love riding the bus. For the last 16 - going on 17 - minutes, your busy life has been paused and you've been given the opportunity to think. The rain reminds you to be mindful. It whispers:

"Is there any sound more relaxing?
"Does it feel good to be outside? You look like you needed some fresh air.
"Think about something you enjoy or something creative. Add to the story you've been crafting in your head. Or if not, be still and be at peace."

    You've saved thousands of dollars by taking the bus. In fact, you don't even need a car; it's been almost two years and you've managed fine without one. The bus is like a longer version of a limo, with the added benefits of more seating options and less gauk (less people pointing and staring).

    On the bus, noticing the instant warmth, you sit down next to a window with an illuminating view of the magnificent big city and enjoy from the following options: page-turning books (books so captivating that it be disrespectful not to recommend them - Raised in Captivity and The 100 Year Old Man who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared), thought-provoking podcasts (in any location at any time, you can be engrossed in something amazing), and writing (you love to write and complete most of your writing during this peaceful journey).

    You watch the city atmosphere during your extended ride, crazy fortunate to see the Space Needle everyday. The change in scenery provides the necessity for your work day. On arrival, you're ready to start the day productive. 

    Best of all though, better than all the above, the bus reminds you that you’re here. People who think they’re above the bus, forget what’s important in life. Plus, before they were famous, famous people rode the bus. People who are good with money ride the bus. Humble people ride the bus. You’re riding the bus and you love it.


    I’m in the second camp. I literally wrote this piece while on the bus, smiling the entire time. It's one of my favorite things (did anyone catch my Sound of Music reference?). For a brief moment, I once thought about moving further away from my work so that I could ride the bus longer.



    Subtle reminder that I’m looking for guest posts. See post here for details. I’m hoping for at least 5 people to share; currently I know of 3 people who are thinking about it. No pressure but (if you’ve made this far into today’s post - signifying you’re a consumer of the blog) you might consider submitting something dumb or something that makes you laugh or preferably both.


Falling down tangents & the Living Room


Thoughts on storming the capital but mostly click-bait