Being tired

I’m tired now. By now I mean while I’m writing this post and not 9:00 am Wednesday morning when this is scheduled. I could be tired then as well, but the takeaway is I’m tired now. I’m laying on my stomach on my apartment floor with my eyes closed. Granted I can still type, but that’s muscle memory. 

Periodically my cats will walk across my back or more intrusively across my face; yet, it makes me smile. They are soft and give off therapeutic vibes. My carpet is comfortable, but not as green as I would like it to be (not the color green, but think of the phrase: the grass is greener on the other side). My ideal carpet would be thicker. In my mind’s eye I’m thinking of a shaggy, white area rug that I met recently. I’m not sure if the rug is as great as I’m remembering or if it’s just wistfulness influencing my memories. The company surrounding the rug was probably what made it great.

I wish I had more energy. I literally have to pee now, but am too tired to move. Work was taxing. Not long hours, but lots of tasks that required a great deal of mental concentration. If I had more energy I’d do something productive, like going to the gym. Or reading. Or learning something new. Everyday I try to read and try to learn one new writing concept. (Yesterday I learned that one way to limit word count in a novel is to eliminate characters who don’t add to the story. That made a lot of obvious sense.) Anyways I don’t think I’ll have the energy to learn something new today. 

I’m not sure what I’ll do next. Maybe a nap would be good. It’s 7:00 PM and I have to get up for work at 7:00 AM. I could take a 12 hour nap and then pull an all nighter. Lol, that’s one of my favorite jokes. More commonly it’s: “I’m going to take an 8 hour nap and then pull an all nighter, just you watch me.” In all serious though, I’ve never pulled an all nighter; I’m too studious for that shit #Flex.

Or I could lie here and continue to ramble. I’m not vain or anything, but I like the sound of my own voice. (Oh wait no, I just googled the definition and, at least according to the one definition, I am vain.) Earlier I mentioned my eyes were closed, which is somewhat true now. I’ve been drifting in and out of [insert some word that means being in a state of vision].

Ok, I think the quality of my writing has deteriorated enough to warrant logging off. (The author yawns).


Before I sleep


Design flaw