A hodgepot of thoughts 6.0

Due to a series of fortunate circumstances, I’ve had less time to write. One weekend I went to the wedding of a coworker. Another, I hosted incoming family. And most recently, I built three Ikea bookcases. There were other tasks involved in the moving process, but obviously, building bookcases took the top shelf. Because, what’s the point of a nice living space if you don’t surround it with books?

Not only has my timecard been filled with fun life events, but I’ve also been working a lot. On a recent, grim Tuesday I worked a 14 hour day. Other days, the hours gauge has been oscillating around 10 hours a day. For someone who wants to ambitiously maximize his leisure time, I’m disappointed in myself that I've been working so hard lately. I’m just too reliable and too good at my job. 

Self backhanded compliments aside - competents that can’t be fact checked - the gist of the last two paragraphs is that I’ve been busy. Thus, I haven’t been able to write. I’m writing this post to announce that I plan to return to posting regularly sometime in October. You should skeptically expect one post a week on Mondays. I’ve only changed the posting schedule thrice in the past, so you can trust that this schedule is permanent. Unless of course I change my mind.


Recently I told Maddie that scrapbooking was one of my hobbies. To which she responded, “Scrapbooking?”

We’ve had this conversation before, and Maddie doesn’t respect my scrapbooking skills enough to let me use the label, so I have to concede, “Ok fine, ‘archiving’ is one of my hobbies.”

Maddie: “That’s not the issue, I’ve only seen you do it once before. How can you consider that a hobby?”

Me: “Well, I like to do it. That’s my definition of a hobby.”

Maddie raises an eyebrow in friendly disagreement. “Ok, I’ve water-colored once in the last two years, and I didn’t even finish. Can I tell people that water-coloring is one of my hobbies?” 

Me: “Did you enjoy it? If you didn’t finish, it doesn’t sound like it.”

Scrapbooking is one of my many hobbies. Nestled within my closet, I’ve got a tub of photos, memorabilia, and keepsakes which will one day make their way into a beautiful scrapbook. One witness - who will remain nameless to protect her identity - described the priceless collection of artifacts as a “trash-rat box”. While granted, I admit I’m not of the traditional scrapbook school of thought, my preferred tools - which consist of sheet protectors, three-ring binders, and a three-hole punch - have created nice scrapbooks. My life is pretty good, so I think it’s worth documenting. 


On Sunday, my favorite NFL team, my fantasy team, and my Pick-ems team, all lost. It’s Monday and I’m still bitter about it. Other than my 2017-National Championship Tar Heels, my sports teams have been historically dismal. My NBA team was so bad that for a while they openly admitted to losing as a game plan. I.E., lose now, win later. They marketed the strategy with the tagline: “Trust the Process.” Ironically the 76ers are posed to be one of the five championship contenders this year. I fully expect them to cut the nets next June. Let's go!

The problem is that I don’t regularly watch basketball; I regularly watch football. The Football Team, the official team name of the NFL team for Washington D.C. and my favorite team, lost on Sunday. I’m equally unsurprised as I am disheartened - about a 7 on a 10 point scale. Our new quarterback, who we paid $10 million to in the offseason, got injured during the first half of the game. He’s been placed on the injured reserve, which given the team’s luck, he’ll remain on for the rest of the season. I’m not happy, just disappointed. This about sums up how the Football Teams season usually goes... But it’s only week one. I’m still confident we’ll make the playoffs.


Blood donations


New apartment