A hodgepot of thoughts

People watching is only a socially acceptable activity if you don’t take it seriously. The other day I was people watching at Gasworks Park. I saw an elderly fellow, alone on his boat, people watching as well, but he was using binoculars. I thought to myself, “Ok, my people watching is fine, but his people watching seems questionable. He’s taking this too seriously.”

Imagine a couch. Easy enough. Now imagine a phone charger that comes out between the coach cushions. “Spooky” would probably be the wrong word to describe such a charger, right? My girlfriend has tried to convince me otherwise.

In college, I ate 5 pieces of bacon everyday for breakfast. At the end of the day, the cafeteria would serve all the foods that weren’t eaten at breakfast. This 4th meal of the day was called late-night. At late-night I ate an additional 5 pieces of bacon for a total of 10 pieces of bacon everyday. It wasn’t until my junior year that I realized bacon wasn’t healthy for you.
My friend looks over at my plate and says, “That sure is a lot of bacon.”
I says, “It’s a superfood.”
My friend, who knows the correct definition of the word superfood asks, “What do you mean?”
“It’s both healthy for you and tastes great.”
“Well, no. I don’t know how to break this to you but…”

I’m reading a few books on writing style and they all caution against overusing exclamation points! One book even goes so far as to say that you should only use three exclamation points in your entire writing career! Crazy right! 

Do you ever have days when you should finishing writing that letter, or you should clean, or you should finish that other letter, or you should buy groceries, or you should call your grandma back, or you should log back into work to finish that last task, or you should go to the gym, or you should knock out those 2 errands that need to get done, or you should… but it seems all too overwhelming so you just watch Family Guy instead? 
Ok cool. It’s not something I’ve experienced, I’m just asking for a friend.


On writing


The worst burrito